
The ItemCacheService is used to manage ItemCache collections such as those in the Basket, Wishlist and SalePreparation objects.

## Instantiating

  "text": "The ItemCacheService is exposed through the `MerchelloContext`",
  "sidebar": true

## Class


## Constructors

ItemCacheService()Initializes a new instance of the ItemCacheService class.
ItemCacheService(ILogger)Initializes a new instance of the ItemCacheService class.
ItemCacheService(RepositoryFactory, ILogger)Initializes a new instance of the ItemCacheService class.
ItemCacheService(IDatabaseUnitOfWorkProvider, RepositoryFactory, ILogger)Initializes a new instance of the ItemCacheService class.
ItemCacheService(IDatabaseUnitOfWorkProvider, RepositoryFactory, ILogger, IEventMessagesFactory)Initializes a new instance of the ItemCacheService class.

## Public Methods

Delete(IItemCache, Boolean)Deletes a single IItemCache
Delete(IEnumerable(IItemCache), Boolean)Deletes a collection IItemCache
GetAllGets all IItemCache
GetByKeyGets a list of Basket give a list of unique keys
Page<IItemCache> GetCustomerItemCachePage(ItemCacheType itemCacheType, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, long page, long itemsPerPage, string sortBy = "", SortDirection sortDirection = SortDirection.Descending)Get a paged collection of customer item caches (Basket and Wishlist contents)
GetByKeysGets a list of Basket give a list of unique keys
GetItemCacheByCustomer(ICustomerBase)Returns a collection of item caches for the consumer
GetItemCacheByCustomer(ICustomerBase, ItemCacheType)Returns the customer item cache of a given type. This method will not create an item cache if the cache does not exist.
GetItemCacheByCustomer(ICustomerBase, Guid)Returns the customer item cache of a given type. This method will not create an item cache if the cache does not exist.
GetItemCacheWithKey(ICustomerBase, ItemCacheType)Creates a basket for a consumer with a given type
GetItemCacheWithKey(ICustomerBase, ItemCacheType, Guid)Creates a basket for a consumer with a given type
GetItemCacheWithKey(ICustomerBase, ItemCacheType, Guid)Saves a single IItemCache
Save(IEnumerable(IItemCache), Boolean)Saves a collection of IItemCache.

## Events

CreatingOccurs before create
CreatedOccurs after create
DeletingOccurs before delete
DeletedOccurs after delete
SavingOccurs before save
SavedOccurs after save

## Interface on GitHub

