These docs are for v1.13.1. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.0.


The Invoice service allows you to manage invoices.


The InvoiceService is exposed through the MerchelloContext

var invoiceService = MerchelloContext.Current.Services.InvoiceService;


public class InvoiceService : PageCachedServiceBase<IInvoice>, 
	IInvoiceService, IStaticCollectionService<IInvoice>, IPageCachedService<IInvoice>, 


InvoiceService()Initializes a new instance of the InvoiceService class.
InvoiceService(ILogger)Initializes a new instance of the InvoiceService class.

Public Methods

AddToCollection(Guid, Guid)Add an invoice to a collection.
AddToCollection(IInvoice, IEntityCollection)Add an invoice to a collection.
AddToCollection(IInvoice, Guid)Add an invoice to a collection.
CountInvoicesGets the total count of all IInvoice
CreateInvoice(Guid, Boolean)Creates a IInvoice without saving it to the database
CreateInvoice(Guid, Int32, Boolean)Creates a IInvoice with an assigned invoice number without saving it to the database
Delete(IInvoice, Boolean)Deletes a single IInvoice
Delete(IEnumerable(IInvoice), Boolean)Deletes a collection IInvoice
ExistsInCollectionDetermines if an invoice exists in a collection.
GetAllInvoiceStatusesReturns a collection of all IInvoiceStatus
GetByInvoiceNumberGets a IInvoice given it's unique 'InvoiceNumber'
GetByKeyGets a IInvoice given it's unique 'key' (GUID)
GetByKeysGets list of IInvoice objects given a list of Keys
GetFromCollection(Guid, Int64, Int64, String, SortDirection)Gets invoices from a collection
GetFromCollection(Guid, String, Int64, Int64, String, SortDirection)Gets invoices from a collection
GetInvoicesByPaymentKeyGets a collection of IInvoice objects that are associated with a IPayment by the payments 'key'
GetPageGets a page of invoices
RemoveFromCollection(Guid, Guid)Removes an invoice from a collection
RemoveFromCollection(IInvoice, IEntityCollection)Removes an invoice from a collection
RemoveFromCollection(IInvoice, Guid)Removes an invoice from a collection
Save(IInvoice, Boolean)Saves a single IInvoice
Save(IEnumerable(IInvoice), Boolean)Saves a collection of IInvoice


CreatingOccurs before create
CreatedOccurs after create
DeletingOccurs before deleting
DeletedOccurs after deleted
SavingOccurs before saving
SavedOccurs after saved
StatusChangingOccurs before invoice status change
StatusChangedOccurs after invoice status change

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