

The GatewayProvider service allows you to get to the gateways in Merchello. Gateways.


Passed to all instantiated Gateway Providers

This class will eventually be obsoleted.


The GatewayProviderService is exposed through the MerchelloContext

var gatewayProviderService = MerchelloContext.Current.Services.GatewayProviderService;


public class GatewayProviderService : MerchelloRepositoryService, 
	IGatewayProviderService, IService


GatewayProviderService()Initializes a new instance of the GatewayProviderService class.
GatewayProviderService(ILogger)Initializes a new instance of the GatewayProviderService class.

Public Methods

ApplyPaymentToInvoiceCreates and saves an AppliedPayment
CreateNotificationMessageWithKeyCreates a INotificationMessage and saves it to the database
CreateNotificationMethodWithKeyCreates a INotificationMethod and saves it to the database
CreateNotificationMethodWithKeyCreates a payment without saving it to the database
CreatePaymentMethodWithKeyAttempts to create a IPaymentMethod for a given provider. If the provider already defines a paymentCode, the creation fails.
CreatePaymentWithKeyCreates and saves a payment
CreateShipMethodWithKeyCreates a IShipMethod. This is useful due to the data constraint preventing two ShipMethods being created with the same ShipCountry and ServiceCode for any provider.
CreateTaxMethodWithKeyAttempts to create a ITaxMethod for a given provider and country. If the provider already defines a tax rate for the country, the creation fails.
Delete(INotificationMessage)Deletes a INotificationMessage
Delete(INotificationMethod)Deletes a INotificationMethod
Delete(IPaymentMethod)Deletes a single IPaymentMethod
Delete(IShipMethod)Deletes a IShipMethod
Delete(IShipRateTier)Deletes a IShipRateTier
Delete(ITaxMethod)Deletes a ITaxMethod
Delete(IGatewayProviderSettings, Boolean)Deletes a IGatewayProviderSettings
GetAllGatewayProvidersGets a collection containing all IGatewayProviderSettings
GetAllGatewayProvidersReturns a collection of all IInvoiceStatus
GetAllOrderStatusesReturns a collection of all IOrderStatus
GetAllShipCountriesReturns a collection of all IShipCountry
GetAppliedPaymentsByInvoiceKeyGets a collection of IAppliedPayments by the invoice key
GetAppliedPaymentsByPaymentKeyGets a collection of IAppliedPayments by the payment key
GetDefaultWarehouseGets the default IWarehouse
GetGatewayProviderByKeyGets a IGatewayProviderSettings by it's unique 'Key' (Guid)
GetGatewayProvidersByShipCountryGets a collection of IGatewayProviderSettings by ship country
GetGatewayProvidersByTypeGets a collection of IGatewayProviderSettings by its type (Shipping, Taxation, Payment)
GetNotificationMessageByKeyGets a INotificationMethod by it's unique key(Guid)
GetNotificationMessageByKeyGets a collection of INotificationMessages based on a monitor key
GetNotificationMessagesByMonitorKeyGets a collection of INotificationMessages based on a monitor key
GetNotificationMethodsByProviderKeyGets a collection of INotificationMethod for a give NotificationGatewayProvider
GetPaymentMethodsByProviderKeyGets a collection of IPaymentMethod for a given PaymentGatewayProvider
GetPaymentsForInvoiceGets a collection of IPayment for a given invoice
GetShipCountryGets a IShipCountry by CatalogKey and CountryCode
GetShipCountryByKeyGets a IShipCountry by it's unique key (Guid)
GetShipMethodByKeyGets a IShipMethod by it's unique key
GetShipMethodsByShipCountryKey(Guid)Gets a list of all IShipMethod objects given a IGatewayProviderSettings key
GetShipMethodsByShipCountryKey(Guid, Guid)Gets a list of IShipMethod objects given a IGatewayProviderSettings key and a IShipCountry key
GetShipRateTiersByShipMethodKeyGets a list of IShipRateTier objects given a IShipMethod key
GetTaxMethodByCountryCodeGets a ITaxMethod based on a provider and country code
GetTaxMethodForProductPricingGet tax method for product pricing.
GetTaxMethodsByCountryCodeGets a ITaxMethod based on a provider and country code
GetTaxMethodsByProviderKeyGets a collection of ITaxMethod for a given TaxationGatewayProvider
Save(IAppliedPayment)Saves a single IAppliedPayme
Save(IInvoice)Saves a single IInvoice
Save(INotificationMessage)Saves a INotificationMessage
Save(INotificationMessage)Saves a INotificationMethod
Save(IPayment)Saves a single IPayment
Save(IPaymentMethod)Saves a single IPaymentMethod
Save(IShipMethod)Saves a single IShipMethod
Save(IEnumerable(IShipMethod))Saves a collection of IShipMethod
Save(IShipRateTier)Saves a single IShipRateTier
Save(IShipRateTier)Saves a collection of IShipRateTier
Save(ITaxMethod)Saves a single ITaxMethod
Save(IGatewayProviderSettings, Boolean)Saves a single instance of a IGatewayProviderSettings


DeletingOccurs before delete
DeletedOccurs after delete
SavingOccurs before saving
SavedOccurs after saved



Events associated with the GatewayProviderService are only fired for methods associated with IGatewayProviderSettings

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