

Handles all communication between Merchello and a specific shipping carrier to obtain shipping rate quotes. A level-based shipping gateway provider has already been included with the default Merchello install.

Example Usage

The Shipping page is where you manage your shipping providers. This allows you to have different providers based on shipment needs. You may have one provider for domestic packages, a different provider for foreign packages. You may have a third provider that handles bulk cargo.

Set the Warehouse Address and Name

A default Warehouse is created for you. However, its address is not filled in. In order for the shipping process to work, the Warehouse address must be entered.


Verify Shipment Settings for Products

Shipment settings for products can either be set as a global setting in Merchello or as a setting on each product.

Shipping Rules

Shipping rules are arranged inside a catalog. On the Merchello/Settings/Shipping page, "Select Catalog" in the top right section of the page.


Then add the countries that this catalog can ship to.


For each country, select a shipping provider. The shipping providers are listed on the Gateway Providers page in the Shipping Providers section.


Your shipping provider may need to set a range for the rule, such as a range of weight or a range of sizes. For example, the image below shows shipping to Argentina by price. The price range is from $1-$50 will cost $10 in shipping fees. Add the range and save the rate.


Creating A Custom Shipping Gateway

The easiest place to start is looking at the custom shipping gateways that come in the Merchello source