
Merchello Section

This page describes the Umbraco back office Merchello section.


The Merchello Back Office Section

After Merchello is installed the "Merchello Section" will appear in the back office.

Merchello Tree Overview

Tree nodeDescription
MERCHELLO (root)Navigates to the welcome dashboard and provides access to the Settings panel.
ProductsNavigates to the Product Listing and is the entry point for product management.
SalesNavigates to the Sales Listing and is the entry point for sales and order fulfillment.
CustomersNavigates to the Customer Listing and is the entry point for customer management.
MarketingNavigates to the Offers Listing and is the entry point for marketing offer management such as Coupons.
ReportsNavigates to the Reports Dashboard and is the parent for individual report pages.
Gateway ProvidersNavigates to the Gateway Provider Listing. This section is the entry point for Payment, Notification, Shipping and Taxation provider configuration.